About Us

Calm personWho am I?  I’m not really sure, but I tend to believe in the three selves of 1) how we view ourselves, 2) how others view us, and 3) who we really are.  Let’s start at #2 since there might be some shared language.

How others view me:

How I view myself:

I’m stuck in my head with a lot of internal dialogue.  I believe in gratitude, perspective and financial independence.  I strive to live mindfully.  I’ve accepted that I’ll damage my kids somehow, but at least they’ll know I love them.  I need solitude and quiet, and must get regular stretches when I can peel the onion.  I believe time is the most important currency, but have difficulty spending it wisely – like grasping at water.  I’m moved by the stoic philosophy, but unable to really implement it on a consistent basis.  I’m completely sold on the value of mindfulness mediation but don’t mediate regularly.   I need to run for my own sanity and that of others.  I believe in habits, deliberate practice and decision fatigue.  Viktor Frankl is my hero and I’m a strong believer in Logotherapy, although my own search to find meaning is a work in progress.

Who I truly am?

LOL – who the hell knows.  Not really that important.